
Friday, May 20, 2016

It from Bit*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:00 am

For Galatea 2.2 on Eliza Doolittle Day

My Google searches are set to ignore my own private
search history. Still, I am not sure whether others would
see the same results as those below, which do  seem to
reflect rather closely my own interests.  Google-as-Galatea
perhaps based the search results partly on associations
from this weblog. An exception: the "Family Circus " novel
in the list below. I have not heard of this book before, but
it seems to be a tale analogous to Stephen King's It ,
from which the searched-for quotation below is drawn.

I prefer a different Family Circus.

* A phrase coined by the late John Archibald Wheeler.

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