
Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:00 am

From the New York Times  philosophy column "The Stone"
yesterday morning —

"Our knowledge of the universe and ourselves expands
like a ripple surrounding a pebble dropped in a pool.
As we move away from the center of the spreading circle,
its area, representing our secure knowledge, grows.
But so does its circumference, representing the border
where knowledge blurs into uncertainty and speculation,
and methodological confusion returns. Philosophy patrols
the border, trying to understand how we got there and to
conceptualize our next move.  Its job is unending."

— Scott Soames, "Philosophy's True Home"

Related ripples —

       From the previous Log24 post:

From a passage by Nietzsche quoted here on June 9, 2012:

For Soames's "unending" job of philosophy and Nietzsche's 
"maieutic and educational influences on noble youths," 
consult the lyrics played over the end credits of "Monster" —

"Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on, and on, and on, and on"

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