This post was suggested in part by last night's post
of 11:14 PM ET, Southern Charm, and by a post
of 11/14 last year, Another Opening, Another Show.
See also Design Thinking at Wikipedia and the following
two quotations —
Dr. Gerrita Postlewait's contract for Superintendent
of Charleston County Schools was approved and
signed in a meeting with school board members
Wednesday morning, a school system official says….
From 2006 to 2013, she was the chief K-12 officer for
the Stupski Foundation, a San Francisco-based
education reform nonprofit. [See related page.]
PHILANTHROPY.COM (Aug. 2, 2012) –
Chris Tebben, executive director of Grantmakers for
Education, says the [Stupski] foundation was among
the first to consider how the problem-solving approach
known as “design thinking” could play a role in improving
Related cinematic remarks: Robot Overlords (now on-demand).