
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday August 15, 2009

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:09 am

An Honest Question:

“Did the Catholic Church just jump the shark by electing Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger? This is an honest question… not a slam.”

— Anonymous user at an online forum on April 19, 2005

A Munificent Answer:

No. That leap of faith was taken long before, on November 1, 1950. See the note below.

Catholic Encyclopedia:

“The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 15 August….

…has a double object: (1) the happy departure of Mary from this life; (2) the assumption of her body into heaven. It is the principal feast of the Blessed Virgin….

Note: By promulgating the Bull Munificentissimus Deus, 1 November, 1950, Pope Pius XII declared infallibly that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was a dogma of the Catholic Faith.”

Also on today’s date (AP, Today in History)–

“In 1998, 29 people were killed by a car bomb that tore apart the center of Omagh, Northern Ireland; a splinter group calling itself the Real IRA claimed responsibility.”

On the same day in 1998, The New York Times published Sarah Boxer’s century-end summary:

Think Tank: At the End of
a Century of Philosophizing,
the Answer Is Don’t Ask

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