
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday July 7, 2009

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:10 pm

On June 25
  in this journal–

A Word for AntiChristmas:

“… T. S. Eliot tried to recompose,
   in Four Quartets, the fragments
   he had grieved over
    in The Waste Land.”

— “Beauty and Desecration,”
   Roger Scruton

Today’s word
(thanks to Michael Jackson)–


'Heal the World' at July 7, 2009, Michael Jackson Memorial Service in Los Angeles

From Log24 on Nov. 12, 2005:

“‘Tikkun Olam, the fixing of the world,’ she whispers. ‘I’ve been gathering up the broken vessels to make things whole again.'”

— Miriam in Bee Season

Tikkun Olam, the gathering of the divine fragments, is a religious activity…. How do we work for the repair of the world? If we live in a humpty dumpty world, how do we get it all put back together again?”

A Sunday Sermon
    for Yom Kippur
    by the Rev. Joshua Snyder
    on Oct. 5, 2003
    [See also Log24 on that date.]

“… the tikkun can’t start until everyone asks what happened– not just the Jews but everybody. The strange thing is that Christ evidently saw this.”

— Martha Cooley, The Archivist

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