
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday December 6, 2008

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 2:01 pm
Another Opening,
Another Show

"While feasts of Saint Nicholas are not observed nationally, cities with strong German influences like Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and St. Louis celebrate St. Nick's Day on a scale similar to the German custom." —Wikipedia

A footprint from Germany:

/504856559/item.html 12/6/2008
1:21 PM

The link in the above footprint leads
to an entry of July 5, 2006.

The access method:

The urllib Module

"The Python urllib module implements a fairly high-level abstraction for making any web object with a URL act like a Python file: i.e., you open it, and get back an object…."

For more pictures and discussion
of the object fetched by Python,
see AntiChristmas 2007.

For a larger and more sophisticated
relative of that object,
 see Solomon's Cube and
the related three presents
from the German link's target:

Spellbound: A trinity of Christmas presents

1. Many Dimensions
2. Boggle
3. My Space

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