
Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday October 6, 2008

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 1:26 pm
Leap Day of Faith

Yesterday's entry contained the following unattributed quotation:

"One must join forces with friends of like mind."

As the link to Leap Day indicated, the source of the quotation is the I Ching.

Yesterday's entry also quoted the late Terence McKenna, a confused writer on psychosis and the I Ching. Lest the reader conclude that I consider McKenna or similar authors (for instance, Timothy Leary in Cuernavaca) as "friends of like mind," I would point rather to more sober students of the I Ching (cf. my June 2002 notes on philosophy, religion, and science) and to the late Scottish theologian John Macquarrie:

The Rev. John Macquarrie, Scottish Theologian, Dies at 87

Macquarrie's connection in this journal to the I Ching is, like that book itself, purely coincidental.  For details, click on the figure below.

A 4x4x4 cube

The persistent reader will
find a further link that
leads to an entry titled
"Notes on the I Ching."


McKenna's writing was of value to me for its (garbled) reference to a thought of Alfred North Whitehead:

"A colour is eternal.  It haunts time like a spirit.  It comes and it goes.  But where it comes it is the same colour.  It neither survives nor does it live.  It appears when it is wanted."

Science and the Modern World, 1925

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