Today is the dies natalis of group theorist Walter Feit.
"The Steiner systems S (5,6,12) and S (5,8,24) are remarkable combinatorial
configurations unlike any others. Their automorphism groups are the Mathieu
groups M12 and M24. These are the only 5-transitive permutation groups other
than symmetric and alternating groups: (a fact long conjectured but only
proved as a consequence of the classification). The Leech lattice is a blown up
version of S (5,8,24). It is the unique even unimodular lattice in 24 dimensions
with no vectors of weight 2. This uniqueness is an essential reason why it is a
geometric object of fundamental importance. The automorphism group Co.O
of the Leech lattice involves about half of the sporadic groups and generally it
is felt that these are well understood."
— Walter Feit, book review, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society ,
Vol. 8 (1983), 120-124, page 123