
Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday June 20, 2008

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 am
Drunkard's Walk
In memory of Episcopal priest and Jungian analyst Brewster Yale Beach,
who died on Tuesday, June 17, 2008
"A man walks down the street…" — Paul Simon, Graceland album

NY Times obituaries, Tuesday, June 17, 2008-- Tony Schwartz, Walter Netsch, Tim Russert

Related material:

In the above screenshot of New York Times obituaries on the date of Brewster Beach's death, Tim Russert seems to be looking at the obituary of Air Force Academy chapel architect Walter Netsch. This suggests another chapel, more closely related to my own experience, in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Some background… Walter Netsch in Oral History (pdf, 467 pp.):

"I also had a book that inspired me– this is 1947– called Communitas by Percival and Paul Goodman. Percival Goodman was the architect, and Paul Goodman was the writer and leftist. And this came out of the University of Chicago– part of the leftist bit of the University of Chicago…. I had sort of in the back of my mind, Communitas appeared from my subconscious of the new town out of town, and there were other people who knew of it…."

Center of Town, Cuernavaca, from Paul Goodman's Communitas
Log24, Feb. 24, 2008:

Candela's 'Capilla Abierta' chapel, Cuernavaca, Mexico

Chapel, Cuernavaca, Mexico

"God As Trauma" by Brewster Yale Beach:

"The problem of crucifixion is the beginning of individuation."

"Si me de veras quieres, deja me en paz."

Lucero Hernandez, Cuernavaca, 1962

A more impersonal approach to my own drunkard's walk (Cuernavaca, 1962,
after reading the above words): Cognitive Blending and the Two Cultures
An approach from the culture (more precisely, the alternate religion) of Scientism–
The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives— is sketched
in Today's Sermon: The Holy Trinity vs. The New York Times (Sunday, June 8, 2008).
The Times illustrated its review of The Drunkard's Walk with facetious drawings
by Jessica Hagy, who uses Venn diagrams to make cynical jokes.

A less cynical use of a Venn diagram:

  "No se puede vivir sin amar."  

  — Malcolm Lowry, Under the Volcano  


Photo by Gerry Gantt

(March 3, 2004)

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