Setter of Riddles
“Philosophers ponder
the idea of identity:
what it is to give
something a name
on Monday
and have it respond
to that name
on Friday….”
— Bernard Holland in
The New York Times
2:45 AM Monday:
Related material:
A Kaddish for Raymond
Obituary of Paul Raymond
in today’s New York Times:
“He left school at 15 and had his first experience of show business as a mind reader and clairvoyant. He developed his interest in the commercial exploitation of sex when the manager of a theater where he performed said he would hire him only if his two female assistants appeared seminaked on the stage.”
Scarlett Johansson
and Natalie Portman
See also
Scarlett Johansson in Vanity Fair,
Natalie Portman in Hotel Chevalier.
Ad for Hadassah
on Monday, the day
that Raymond’s death
was announced:
“Who will say Kaddish?”
Portman, of course.