
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mark and Remark

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 11:00 am

“Fact and fiction weave in and out of novels like a shell game.” —R.B. Kitaj

Not just novels.


IMAGE- Anne Taormina on 'Mathieu Moonshine' and the 'super overarching symmetry group'

The mark preceding A in the above denotes the semidirect product.

Symbol from the box-style
I Ching  (Cullinane, 1/6/89).
This is Hexagram 55,
“Abundance [Fullness].”

The mathematical quote, from last evening’s Symmetry, is from Anne Taormina.

The I Ching  remark is not.

Another version of Abbondanza 

IMAGE- Taormina sunset from inabbondanza.com on June 22, 2009


Found in Translation and the giorno  June 22, 2009here.

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