
Monday, April 15, 2013

M Theory

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:25 am

This morning's previous post pictured the cover
of a book titled "The Mystery of the Quantum World."

That title, together with Peter Woit's post on Hawking
yesterday, suggests a review of the phrase "-theory."

See remarks on that topic in the October 1998
Notices of the American Mathematical Society :

"The richer theory, which has as limiting cases
the five string theories studied in the last generation,
has come to be called -theory, where M  stands for
magic, mystery, or matrix, according to taste."

— "Magic, Mystery, and Matrix," by Edward Witten

See also, in this  journal, a post mentioning Hawking's
vulgarized M -theory book The Grand Design , as well
as a post of January 9, 2012, titled "M Theory."

Of Witten's three alternative meanings for M , I prefer "matrix."

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