From an entry today at the weblog of Lieven Le Bruyn (U. of Antwerp):
“MUBs (for Mutually Unbiased Bases) are quite popular at the moment. Kea is running a mini-series Mutual Unbias….”
The link to Kea (Marni Dee Sheppeard (pdf) of New Zealand) and a link in her Mutual Unbias III (Feb. 13) lead to the following illustration, from a talk, “Discrete phase space based on finite fields,” by William Wootters at the Perimeter Institute in 2005:

This illustration makes clear the
close relationship of MUB’s to the
finite geometry of the 4×4 square.
“Quantum Information Theory Related to Finite Geometry,”
and a comment at The n-Category Cafe,
On Spekkens’ toy system and finite geometry.