The “greatest generation” theme from Art Wars– April 7, 2003 continues in two obituaries from this morning’s New York Times:

The first obituary says that Goldberg
“saw abstract painting… as ‘still the primary visual challenge of our time. It might get harder and harder to make an abstract image that’s believable, but I think that just makes the challenge greater.'” The Times says that Goldberg was a veteran of Merrill’s Marauders in World War II (as well as of the last century’s art wars).
The second obituary notes that Astor’s books include A Blood-Dimmed Tide (a phrase from Yeats)– an account of the Battle of the Bulge– and a biography of Dr. Josef Mengele.
Both men died on Sunday, December 30, 2007. From Log24 on that date, an abstract image and a cinematic portrait of Dr. Mengele:
Yesterday’s entry
The Revelation Game
and an entry of April 7, 2003:
April is Math Awareness Month.
This year’s theme is “mathematics and art.”
(The art, by Ingmar Bergman, was
in honor of the April 7 birthday of
Francis Ford Coppola, director of
“Apocalypse Now.”)