
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Für Elise

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 pm

Elise in "The Adjustment Bureau" (release date: March 4, 2011)—

IMAGE- The perception of doors in 'The Adjustment Bureau'

A quote for this unlikely pair:

"Harry decides his chief peacetime duty is to use his
gift for gab to further his 'overriding purpose,' namely:
'By recalling the past and freezing the present he could
open the gates of time and through them see all
allegedly sequential things as a single masterwork
with neither boundaries nor divisions.' Once he opens
these gates, Harry will flood his audience with his
redemptive epiphanic impression that 'the world was
saturated with love.' "

Liesl Schillinger, review of Mark Helprin's novel
In Sunlight and in Shadow  in The New York Times ,
Oct. 5, 2012

A more realistic pair: Chuck Schumer and Iris Weinshall.

See also Adjustment Team (Wikipedia) and Gnostic Dick (Log24).

For some more-serious material, see another review by Schillnger
in a Log24 post of August 17, 2006— Special Topics

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