
Sunday, January 20, 2013

On the Road

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 pm

(For Your Consideration  continued)

Today's New York Times  story on Jacobin  magazine
suggests the following sequel to a Jan. 10 post on
Spielberg's Lincoln .

The magazine has, the Times  says,

"earned [its creator] Mr. Sunkara, now a ripe 23,
extravagant praise from members of a (slightly) older
guard who see his success as heartening sign that
the socialist 'brand'— to use a word he throws around
with un-self-conscious ease— hasn’t been totally
killed off by Tea Party invective." —Jennifer Schuessler

Jacobin  magazine, summer 2012 double issue—

A related trinity of the Left:

Playwright Tom Stoppard, his son actor Ed Stoppard
(shown below in the 2012 film Branded ), and the late
activist Aaron Swartz

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