
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday August 7, 2007

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:25 pm
In memory of

Atle Selberg, mathematician,
dead at 90 on August 6, 2007

According to the
American Mathematical Society,
Selberg died, like André Weil, on
 the Feast of the Metamorphosis.


The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix07A/070807-escher.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Metaphor for Morphean morphosis,
Dreams that wake, transform, and die,
Calm and lucid this psychosis,
Joyce's nightmare in Escher's eye.

— Steven H. Cullinane, Nov. 7, 1986

Read more.

For further views of
the Amalfi coast, site of
the above Escher scene,
see the film "A Good Woman"
(made in 2004, released in 2006)
starring Scarlett Johansson–

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix07A/070807-GoodWoman.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Scene from "A Good Woman"

— and the following from

The Feast of St. Luke, 2005:
The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix05B/051018-Atrani2.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Collegiate Church of
St. Mary Magdalene,
Atrani, Amalfi Coast, Italy:
"An interior made exterior"
— Wallace Stevens

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