
Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday July 2, 2007

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 8:28 pm

A figure like Ecclesiast/
Rugged and luminous,
 chants in the dark/
A text that is an answer,
although obscure.

— Wallace Stevens,
"An Ordinary Evening
in New Haven"

A Text

Time and Chance
today in the
Keystone State:

PA Lottery July 2, 2007: Mid-day 004, Evening 802

From 8/02
in 2005:

50 Years Ago
on this date, poet
Wallace Stevens died.

Memorial: at the
Wallace Stevens
enter center.


The Man with the Blue Guitar
line 150 (xiii.6): The heraldic center of the world

Human Arrangement
line 13: The center of transformations that

This Solitude of Cataracts
line 18: Breathing his bronzen breath at the azury center of time.

A Primitive Like an Orb
line 1 (i.1): The essential poem at the center of things,
line 87 (xi.7): At the center on the horizon, concentrum, grave

Reply to Papini
line 33 (ii.15): And final. This is the center. The poet is

Study of Images II
line 7: As if the center of images had its

An Ordinary Evening in New Haven
line 291 (xvii.3): It fails. The strength at the center is serious.
line 371 (xxi.11): At the center, the object of the will, this place,

Things of August
line 154 (ix.18): At the center of the unintelligible,

The Hermitage at the Center
Title: The Hermitage at the Center

Owl's Clover, The Old Woman and the Statue (OP)
line 13 (ii.9): At the center of the mass, the haunches low,

The Sail of Ulysses (OP)
line 50 (iv.6): The center of the self, the self

Someone Puts a Pineapple Together (NA)
line 6 (i.6): The angel at the center of this rind,

Of Ideal Time and Choice (NA)
line 29: At last, the center of resemblance, found
line 32: Stand at the center of ideal time,

For a text on today's
mid-day number, see

  Theme and Variations.

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