The Crown of Geometry
(according to Logothetti
in a 1980 article)
The crown jewels are the
Platonic solids, with the
icosahedron at the top.
Related material:
"[The applet] Syntheme illustrates ways of partitioning the 12 vertices of an icosahedron into 3 sets of 4, so that each set forms the corners of a rectangle in the Golden Ratio. Each such rectangle is known as a duad. The short sides of a duad are opposite edges of the icosahedron, and there are 30 edges, so there are 15 duads.
Each partition of the vertices into duads is known as a syntheme. There are 15 synthemes; 5 consist of duads that are mutually perpendicular, while the other 10 consist of duads that share a common line of intersection."
— Greg Egan, Syntheme
(discovered by Sylvester)
also appear in this note
from May 26, 1986
(click to enlarge):
The above note shows
duads and synthemes related
to the diamond theorem.
See also John Baez's essay
"Some Thoughts on the Number 6."
That essay was written 15 years
ago today– which happens
to be the birthday of
Sir Laurence Olivier, who,
were he alive today, would
be 100 years old.
"Is it safe?"