
Monday, September 24, 2012

Midbrow in Paris

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:11 pm

"Middlebrow culture was killed in the late 50's and 60's,
and the mortal blows came from opposite directions.
The intellectuals launched assaults on what they took to be
middlebrow institutions, attacks that are so vicious
they take your breath away….

At the same time, pop culture changed."

David Brooks in The New York Times , June 16, 2005

"… but the fighter still remains" —Paul Simon

"James Joyce frequently presents climactic moments
of realization of life at the end of his stories; these
psychological revelations, called epiphanies, constitute
moments of heightened awareness which foment reflection
on the part of both the character and the readers, as well
as introduce an element of surprise."

The Telling and the Tale , by Gilda Pacheco Acuña
and Kari Meyers Skredsvig, Editorial Universidad
de Costa Rica
, 2006, page 11

For Scott and Ernest, from Julio —

"The novel wins by points and the short story by knockout."

Id.  (See also Feb. 8,  Beach Boy .)

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