"Does the word 'tesseract'
mean anything to you?"
— Robert A. Heinlein in
The Number of the Beast
My reply–
Part I:
A Wrinkle in Time, by
Madeleine L'Engle
(first published in 1962)
Part II:
Diamond Theory in 1937
Geometry of the 4×4 Square
Part III:
"Wells and trees were dedicated to saints. But the offerings at many wells and trees were to something other than the saint; had it not been so they would not have been, as we find they often were, forbidden. Within this double and intertwined life existed those other capacities, of which we know more now, but of which we still know little– clairvoyance, clairaudience, foresight, telepathy."
— Charles Williams, Witchcraft, Faber and Faber, London, 1941
A New Yorker profile of Madeleine L'Engle from April 2004, which I found tonight online for the first time. For a related reflection on truth, stories, and values, see Saint's Day. For a wider context, see the Log24 entries of February 1-15, 2003 and February 1-15, 2006.