
Saturday, December 10, 2005

Saturday December 10, 2005

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 3:00 am
For the birthday of Emily Dickinson:

"This world is not conclusion;
  A sequel stands beyond,
Invisible, as music,
  But positive, as sound.
It beckons and it baffles;         5
  Philosophies don’t know,
And through a riddle, at the last,
  Sagacity must go.
To guess it puzzles scholars;
  To gain it, men have shown         10
Contempt of generations,
  And crucifixion known."

Santa's Riddle

How do you add a single
point to a plane to
give it the shape
of a globe?


"The lunatic,   
the lover, and
the poet…."  

Answer: See

Russell Crowe as Santa's Helper.

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