
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Most Important Configuration

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 6:30 pm

A search for some background on Gian-Carlo Rota's remarks
in Indiscrete Thoughts * on a geometric configuration
leads to the following passages in Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen's
classic Geometry and the Imagination


These authors describe the Brianchon-Pascal configuration
of 9 points and 9 lines, with 3 points on each line
and 3 lines through each point, as being
"the most important configuration of all geometry."

Thus it seems worthwhile to relate it to the web page
on square configurations referenced here Tuesday.

The Encyclopaedia of Mathematics , ed. by Michiel Hazewinkel,
supplies a summary of the configuration apparently
derived from Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen


My own annotation at right above shows one way to picture the
Brianchon-Pascal points and lines— regarded as those of a finite,
purely combinatorial , configuration— as subsets of the nine-point
square array discussed in Configurations and Squares. The
rearrangement of points in the square yields lines that are in
accord with those in the usual square picture of the 9-point
affine plane.

A more explicit picture—


The Brianchon-Pascal configuration is better known as Pappus's  configuration,
and a search under that name will give an idea of its importance in geometry.

* Birkhäuser Boston, 1998 2nd printing, p. 145

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