The Diamond in the Labyrinth
From the labyrinth of Solitude:
- An Invariant Feast
- Columbia News obituary of Robert D. Cumming
- Solitude
(Phenomenology and Deconstruction, Vol 4
by Robert Denoon Cumming)On page 13 of Solitude —
From Heidegger’s “Letter on Humanism” —
“… so long as philosophy merely busies itself with continually obstructing the possibility of admission to the subject of thinking– that is, the truth of being– it escapes the danger of ever being broken against the hardness of that subject. Thus ‘philosophizing’ about the shattering is separated by an abyss from a thinking that is shattered.”This suggests a search for
“Heidegger” + “diamond,” which yields — - The Diamond at the End of Time,
which leads to - Orson Welles Interviews Jilly Dybka,
which leads to - Poetry Hut Blog,
which leads to
- Fair Territory, by Jilly Dybka,
which contains the following — - The Quickening
I hold my breath, the plane’s
wheels under me
still suspended in the minutes after
takeoff, when the planet’s brute gravity
statistically can cause a disaster.
We are flying low enough that I scan
civilization in miniature.
Blue pill swimming pools, and
roadways that fan
out like ribbons in the wind. On the sure
crust, too, a baseball diamond.
Young boys race
across the tilted surface, mute and small,
kicking up red dust. First base, Second base,
Third Base, Home. We ascend into nightfall
and beneath the broken stars one kid bunts.
I remember I was a rookie once. - From yesterday’s online New York Times: