“It's a very ancient saying, but a true and honest thought,
that if you become a teacher, by your pupils you'll be taught.”
Related material—
The Hunt for Blue August,
a West Side* Story (click to enlarge)—
and a song that for me evokes memories of the summer
of 1991— a song with a Beauty and the Beast theme
(not the 1991 Disney version of the tale)—
"Let's give 'em somethin' to talk about."
The song was released to radio
on today's date, June 3rd, twenty years ago.
* Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola—
It should be noted here that for contemplation or meditation about
visible things… the ‘composition’ will consist in seeing through the
gaze of the imagination the material place where the object I want
to contemplate is situated.
West Side Memories (an off-off-off-off Broadway production)—