
Saturday, September 18, 2004

Saturday September 18, 2004

Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:56 pm

The First Idea

From aldaily.com,
a service of
The Chronicle of
Higher Education:

New Books

Mr. Oppenheimer, given what has happened since, would you again accept to develop the bomb? Even after Hiroshima?” “Yes”… more»

The foundations of civilization are but modest: consider for instance games of peekaboo and patty-cake… more»


Wallace Stevens on “The First Idea”


Language, Poetry, Philology

A specialist in Homer’s Odyssey and early Greek lyric poetry, Joseph Russo is the only American classicist among six international scholars to provide commentary for Oxford University Press’ three-volume edition of the epic poem.”

Introduction to an inaugural lecture, “Language, Poetry, Philology, and ‘The Stateliest Measure,'” at Haverford College given by Joseph Russo on Feb. 26, 1999

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