
Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Many-Sided Theory

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 5:48 pm

On this date 106 years ago…

Prefatory note from Hudson's classic Kummer's Quartic Surface ,
Cambridge University Press, 1905—

been twenty-nine years old in July of this year; educated at
St Paul's School, London, and at St John's College, Cambridge,
he obtained the highest honours in the public examinations of the
University, in 1898, 1899, 1900; was elected a Fellow of St John's
College in 1900; became a Lecturer in Mathematics at University
College, Liverpool, in 1902; was D.Sc. in the University of London
in 1903; and died, as the result of a fall while climbing in Wales,
in the early autumn of 1904….

A many-sided theory such as that of this volume is
generally to be won only by the work of many lives;
one who held so firmly the faith that the time is well spent
could ill be spared.

— H. F. Baker, 27 March 1905

For some more recent remarks related to the theory, see
Defining Configurations and its updates, March 20-27, 2011.

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