
Friday, May 21, 2004

Friday May 21, 2004

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 2:45 pm

Theme and Variations 

"Por ejemplo, con las posibles secuencias de sólo cuatro letras diferentes: A, R, O y M obtenemos cinco palabras con significados completamente distintos: MORA, ROMA, AMOR, RAMO y OMAR."

El Genoma Humano,
by Ricardo Tapia

For a deeper meditation on the genetic implications of four-letter words, see
the link to Richard Powers's work at
Theme and Variations.

I personally prefer the following
selection of four-letter words:

The significance of these
words may be found
via these links:


Click on pictures
for further details.

"For the essence and the end
Of his labor is beauty… 
one beauty, the rhythm of that Wheel

Robinson Jeffers,
"Point Pinos and Point Lobos"


  1. You just totally made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or week, probably!!! In fact, definitely. I just started this xanga thing and it’s so nice that someone saw my stuff and used the link I put up. Anyway, I’m still writing this undying paper but I’ll check out your blog in more detail later, and i’ll have to figure out this whole subscriptions thing. Thanks 🙂 Te aves sasto (may you be healthy).

    Comment by Margita — Friday, May 21, 2004 @ 6:00 pm

  2. Oh yeah – MARO means bread in Romani – pretty cool, huh? 😉

    Comment by Margita — Friday, May 21, 2004 @ 7:42 pm

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