Easter Politics
At Fort Hood, Texas, a sermon for the President of the United States:
” ‘Christianity is based on one historic event– it happened Easter morning.’ Members of the congregation responded with cries of ‘Amen!’.”
— Scott Lindlaw, The Associated Press
This, of course, is a damned lie. Christianity is, in fact, based on damned lies, not on Easter or any other alleged historic events.
Meanwhile, in Boston, the President’s political rival John Kerry received communion at a Catholic Easter service, implying his endorsement of the Catholic dogma of transubstantiation — one of the blackest of Christianity’s many damned lies.
So voters have a choice this year between a damned Protestant liar and a damned Catholic liar… just as in 1960. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
For my own Easter sermon, see the previous entry.