
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Academic Tribes

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:21 pm

Peter Woit today


From the beginning in 1984 I was dubious about string theory unification, and by the late 1990s could not understand why this was dominating physics departments and popular science outlets, with no acknowledgement of the serious problems and failures of the theory. From talking privately to physicists, it became clear that the field of particle theory had for quite a while become disturbingly tribal. There was a string theory tribe, seeing itself as embattled and fighting less intelligent other tribes for scarce resources. Those within the tribe wouldn’t say anything publicly critical of the theory, since that would not only hurt their own interests, but possibly get them kicked out of the tribe. Those outside the tribe also were very leery of saying anything, partly because they felt they lacked the expertise to do so, partly because they feared retribution from powerful figures in the string theory tribe.

See also http://m759.net/wordpress/?tag=tri-be.

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