
Friday, August 2, 2024

In Lieu of Locusts and Crickets:  OopsGPT*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 6:00 pm
These locusts by day, these crickets by night 
Are the instruments on which to play 
Of an old and disused ambit of the soul 
Or of a new aspect, bright in discovery— 

A disused ambit of the spirit’s way,
The sort of thing that August crooners sing,
By a pure fountain, that was a ghost, and is, 
Under the sun-slides of a sloping mountain; 

Or else a new aspect, say the spirit's sex,
Its attitudes, its answers to attitudes 
And the sex of its voices, as the voice of one 
Meets nakedly another’s naked voice. 

— From "Things of August" by Wallace Stevens

From a 2003 "Plato's Caveman" post . . .

* Cf. San Joaquin Flashback .

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