
Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Thesis Advisor

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 4:38 am

"And so I had an idea, which turned out to be
related to that question, and so it was a little theorem
that I proved and I showed it to my thesis advisor, and
then he said, 'Oh, that could maybe help with this question.'
And he told me the question. And I said, 'Oh that's right,
maybe it could.' But he said, 'But don't work on that.'
He says, 'Borel has worked on that, Singer has worked
on that, a lot of people have tried to do this without success.'
But that has just got me fired up. And so I solved that problem…."

The late James H. Simons, on his thesis advisor Bertram Kostant.

The thesis advisor reportedly died on Groundhog Day, 2017.

See as well, in this  journal, Facets for Snorri.

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