
Friday, June 23, 2023

A Little Drama

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:04 pm

The broken pencil in a Dial  illustration of June 20 — 

"I could a tale unfold . . ." — Hamlet's father's ghost

"Thus the entire little drama, from crystallized carbon
and felled pine to this humble implement, to this
transparent thing, unfolds in a twinkle."

— Vladimir Nabokov, Transparent Things

"… a cardboard tube, more or less the same length as
the inner core of a toilet roll, but thicker. He frowned,
took the roll out, laid it on the desk and poked up it
with the butt end of a pencil. Something slid out.
It looked like a rolled-up black plastic dustbin liner;
but when he unfolded it, he recognised it as the funny
sheet thing he’d found in the strongroom and briefly
described as an Acme Portable Door, before losing
his nerve and changing it to something less facetious." 

— Holt, Tom. The Portable Door . Orbit. Kindle Edition. 

According to goodreads.com, the Holt book was
"first published March 6, 2003."

See also this  journal on March 6, 2003, in a search for
Michelangelo Geometry.

Punchline of the above little drama —

"Try the other  end of the pencil, Liz."

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