
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Now at Harvard: The Link Chase

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:29 pm

From https://dash.harvard.edu/ a straightforward search now leads to . . .

Clicking on the above "Square Model" link leads to a summary page
with a "citable link" to itself . . . 

https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL.INSTREPOS:37373777 :

— and then, clicking on the summary page's 
"View/Open The square model of PG(3,2). (329.1Kb)," 
you will see a two-page PDF . . .

— and finally, scrolling down on that PDF, you will come to . . . 


Or you can just Google Cullinane square model .

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