
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Story Dice

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:13 am

From The Queen's Gambit  by Walter Tevis —

The Saturday afternoon movie in the library was The Robe . It had Victor Mature in it and was spiritual; all the staff was there, sitting attentive in a special row of chairs at the back, near the shuddering projector. Beth kept her eyes nearly shut during the first half-hour; they were red and sore. She had not slept at all on Thursday night and had dozed off for only an hour or so Friday. Her stomach was knotted, and there was the vinegar taste in her throat. She slouched in her folding chair with her hand in her skirt pocket, feeling the screwdriver she had put there in the morning. Walking into the boys’ woodworking shop after breakfast, she took it from a bench. No one saw her do it. Now she squeezed it in her hand until her fingers hurt, took a deep breath, stood up and edged her way to the door. Mr. Fergussen was sitting there, proctoring.

“Bathroom,” Beth whispered.

Mr. Fergussen nodded, his eyes on Victor Mature, bare-chested in the arena.

She walked purposively down the narrow hallway, over the wavy places in the faded linoleum, past the girls’ room and down to the Multi-Purpose Room, with its Christian Endeavour  magazines and Reader’s Digest  Condensed Books and, against the far wall, the padlocked window that said PHARMACY.

A related Log24 post

Story dice and 'The Robe'

"Discuss." — Coffee Talk

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