
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Object Lesson: The Quelling

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 10:42 am

"The successful artist shares with the politician
a recurrent temptation to indulge in emotional claptrap.
Bernard Bosanquet in Three Lectures on Aesthetic  (1915)
proposed that this urge to chase after tears or laughter
could be quelled by attaching the art-emotion to a particular object
and not a set of reactions. His consequent definition of art was
'feeling expressed for expression’s sake.' Notice, however, that
this is something only the deranged would dream of wanting in
real life. Our everyday expressions of feeling are spontaneous and
practical; they are never 'for expression’s sake.' By contrast,
aesthetic feeling is self-sufficient."

— David Bromwich in The Nation, July 11, 2022

A Particular Object —

The Sanfilippo Cube

"Tell it Skewb." — Motto adapted from Emily Dickinson.

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