
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

A Story for the TENET Director

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:14 am

IMAGE- Donna Reed and Montgomery Clift in 'From Here to Eternity'

A Story That Works

“There is the dark, eternally silent, unknown universe;
there are the friend-enemy minds shouting and whispering
their tales and always seeking the three miracles —

  • that minds should really touch, or
  • that the silent universe should speak, tell minds a story,
  • or (perhaps the same thing) that there should be a story
    that works, that is all hard facts, all reality, with
    no illusions and no fantasy;

and lastly, there is lonely, story-telling, wonder-questing,
mortal me.”

– Fritz Leiber in “The Button Molder

"Will the record be unbroken . . . ?"

— Adapted song lyric

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