
Friday, November 24, 2023

Pioneering Pedagogy

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:59 am

A Harvard Crimson  piece from Tuesday, November 21, 2023 —

See also "Pedagogy" in this  journal.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Gilded Cage Meets Crimson Abyss

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 6:54 pm

"… as if into a crimson abyss …." —

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Princeton Symmetry

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:37 am

From this journal nine years ago today, on the
anniversary of Stanley finding Livingstone —

Click on the image for the Princeton connection.

Related art — Search Log24 for Time + Eternity.

See as well the theater producer pictured in last night's post
and a Princeton-related* review of one of his productions.

Footnote of November 11, 2015:

* Related, that is, only by the "Princeton connection" mentioned above.
For another Princeton connection of interest, see a symposium at
Princeton University on May Day, 2015 —


A sample symposium participant:

Friday, August 14, 2015

Schoolgirl Problem

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 6:00 pm

But first, a word from our sponsa* 

Sir Laurence Olivier in "Term of Trial" (1962),
a film starring Sarah Miles as a schoolgirl —

* Bride  in Latin. See also "bride's chair,"
  a phrase from mathematical pedagogy.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:31 am

The title of yesterday's post Will and Representation is of course
a reference to Schopenhauer's philosophical work of that name.

As the post itself indicates, the title is also a punning reference to
mathematical representation theory . 

To avoid confusion, it should be noted that Schopenhauer's
representation , in the original German, was Vorstellung .

The German for mathematical  representation theory is,
on the other hand, Darstellungstheorie . (The mathematical
use of Vorstellung  is non-technical, referring to concepts
of pedagogy. (A group presentation  is a Präsentation .))

For a discussion of the Vorstellung-Darstellung  distinction
in philosophy, not mathematics, see… 

The Retreat of Representation: The Concept of  Darstellung
in German Critical Discourse , by Martha B. Helfer,
State University of New York Press, 1996, esp. pp. 24-26.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturday December 16, 2006

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 10:31 am
Cubism1 as Multispeech2
The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06B/061216-Cubism.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

— From Pedagogy, Praxis, Ulysses

A quotation omitted from the above excerpt:

In Ulysses, there is "… the same quality of simultaneity as in cubist collage. Thus, for example, Bloom surveys the tombstones at Paddy Dignam's funeral and, in the midst of platitudinous and humorous thoughts, remembers Molly 'wanting to do it at the window'…."

Related material from quotations at the poetry journal eratio:

"The guiding law of the great variations in painting is one of disturbing simplicity.  First things are painted; then, sensations; finally, ideas.  This means that in the beginning the artist's attention was fixed on external reality; then, on the subjective; finally, on the intrasubjective.  These three stages are three points on a straight line."

— Jose Ortega y Gasset ("On Point of View in the Arts," an essay on the development of cubism)

Related material on
tombstones and windows:

Geometry's Tombstones,
Galois's Window, and
Architecture of Eternity.

The image “http://www.log24.com/theory/images/GaloisWindow.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

See also the following part
of the eratio quotations:

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06B/061216-Dilemma.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Quotations arranged by
Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino

1 Or hypercubism: See 10/31/06.

2 Or "Wake" speech: See 10/31/05.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Friday November 25, 2005

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:00 pm

Holy Geometry

What was “the holy geometry book” (“das heilige Geometrie-Büchlein,” p. 10 in the Schilpp book below) that so impressed the young Albert Einstein?

“At the age of 12 I experienced a second wonder of a totally different nature: in a little book dealing with Euclidian plane geometry, which came into my hands at the beginning of a schoolyear.  Here were assertions, as for example the intersection of the three altitudes of a triangle in one point, which– though by no means evident– could nevertheless be proved with such certainty that any doubt appeared to be out of the question.  This lucidity and certainty made an indescribable impression upon me.”

(“Im Alter von 12 Jahren erlebte ich ein zweites Wunder ganz verschiedener Art: An einem Büchlein über Euklidische Geometrie der Ebene, das ich am Anfang eines Schuljahres in die Hand bekam.  Da waren Aussagen wie z.B. das Sich-Schneiden der drei Höhen eines Dreieckes in einem Punkt, die– obwohl an sich keineswegs evident– doch mit solcher Sicherheit bewiesen werden konnten, dass ein Zweifel ausgeschlossen zu sein schien.  Diese Klarheit und Sicherheit machte einen unbeschreiblichen Eindruck auf mich.”)

— Albert Einstein, Autobiographical Notes, pages 8 and 9 in Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, ed. by Paul A. Schilpp

From a website by Hans-Josef Küpper:

“Today it cannot be said with certainty which book is Einstein’s ‘holy geometry book.’  There are three different titles that come into question:

Theodor Spieker, 1890
Lehrbuch der ebenen Geometrie. Mit Übungsaufgaben für höhere Lehranstalten.

Heinrich Borchert Lübsen, 1870
Ausführliches Lehrbuch der ebenen und sphärischen Trigonometrie. Zum Selbstunterricht. Mit Rücksicht auf die Zwecke des praktischen Lebens.

Adolf Sickenberger, 1888
Leitfaden der elementaren Mathematik.

Young Albert Einstein owned all of these three books. The book by T. Spieker was given to him by Max Talmud (later: Talmey), a Jewish medic. The book by H. B. Lübsen was from the library of his uncle Jakob Einstein and the one of A. Sickenberger was from his parents.”

Küpper does not state clearly his source for the geometry-book information.

According to Banesh Hoffman and Helen Dukas in Albert Einstein, Creator and Rebel, the holy geometry book was Lehrbuch der Geometrie zum Gebrauch an höheren Lehranstalten, by Eduard Heis (Catholic astronomer and textbook writer) and Thomas Joseph Eschweiler.

An argument for Sickenberger from The Young Einstein: The Advent of Relativity (pdf), by Lewis Pyenson, published by Adam Hilger Ltd., 1985:

   Throughout Einstein’s five and a half years at the Luitpold Gymnasium, he was taught mathematics from one or another edition of the separately published parts of Sickenberger’s Textbook of Elementary Mathematics.  When it first appeared in 1888 the book constituted a major contribution to reform pedagogy.  Sickenberger based his book on twenty years of experience that in his view necessarily took precedence over ‘theoretical doubts and systematic scruples.’  At the same time Sickenberger made much use of the recent pedagogical literature, especially that published in the pages of Immanuel Carl Volkmar Hoffmann’s Zeitschrift für mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht, the leading pedagogical mathematics journal of the day.  Following in the tradition of the reform movement, he sought to present everything in the simplest, most intuitive way possible.  He opposed introducing scientific rigour and higher approaches in an elementary text.  He emphasised that he would follow neither the synthesis of Euclidean geometry nor the so-called analytical-genetic approach.  He opted for a great deal of freedom in the form of presentation because he believed that a textbook was no more than a crutch for oral instruction.  The spoken word, in Sickenberger’s view, could infuse life into the dead forms of the printed text.  Too often, he insisted in the preface to his text, mathematics was seen and valued ‘as the pure science of reason.’  In reality, he continued, mathematics was also ‘an essential tool for daily work.’  In view of the practical dimension of mathematics Sickenberger sought most of all to present basic propositions clearly rather than to arrive at formal conciseness.   Numerous examples took the place of long, complicated, and boring generalities.  In addition to the usual rules of arithmetic Sickenberger introduced diophantine equations.  To solve three linear, homogeneous, first-order equations with three unknowns he specified determinants and determinant algebra.  Then he went on to quadratic equations and logarithms.  In the second part of his book, Sickenberger treated plane geometry.
     According to a biography of Einstein written by his step-son-in-law, Rudolf Kayser– one that the theoretical physicist described as ‘duly accurate’– when he was twelve years old Einstein fell into possession of the ‘small geometry book’ used in the Luitpold Gymnasium before this subject was formally presented to him.  Einstein corroborated Kayser’s passage in autobiographical notes of 1949, when he described how at the age of twelve ‘a little book dealing with Euclidean plane geometry’ came into his hands ‘at the beginning of a school year.’  The ‘lucidity and certainty’ of plane geometry according to this ‘holy geometry booklet’ made, Einstein wrote, ‘an indescribable impression on me.’  Einstein saw here what he found in other texts that he enjoyed: it was ‘not too particular’ in logical rigour but ‘made up for this by permitting the main thoughts to stand out clearly and synoptically.’  Upon working his way through this text, Einstein was then presented with one of the many editions of Theodor Spieker’s geometry by Max Talmey, a medical student at the University of Munich who dined with the Einsteins and who was young Einstein’s friend when Einstein was between the ages of ten and fifteen.  We can only infer from Einstein’s retrospective judgment that the first geometry book exerted an impact greater than that produced by Spieker’s treatment, by the popular science expositions of Aaron Bernstein and Ludwig Büchner also given to him by Talmey, or by the texts of Heinrich Borchert Lübsen from which Einstein had by the age of fourteen taught himself differential and integral calculus.
     Which text constituted the ‘holy geometry booklet’?  In his will Einstein gave ‘all his books’ to his long-time secretary Helen Dukas.  Present in this collection are three bearing the signature ‘J Einstein’: a logarithmic and trigonometric handbook, a textbook on analysis, and an introduction to infinitesimal calculus.  The signature is that of Einstein’s father’s brother Jakob, a business partner and member of Einstein’s household in Ulm and Munich.  He presented the books to his nephew Albert.  A fourth book in Miss Dukas’s collection, which does not bear Jakob Einstein’s name, is the second part of a textbook on geometry, a work of astronomer Eduard Heis’s which was rewritten after his death by the Cologne schoolteacher Thomas Joseph Eschweiler.  Without offering reasons for his choice Banesh Hoffmann has recently identified Heis and Eschweiler’s text as the geometry book that made such an impression on Einstein.  Yet, assuming that Kayser’s unambiguous reporting is correct, it is far more likely that the geometrical part of Sickenberger’s text was what Einstein referred to in his autobiographical notes.  Sickenberger’s exposition was published seven years after that of Heis and Eschweiler, and unlike the latter it appeared with a Munich press.  Because it was used in the Luitpold Gymnasium, copies would have been readily available to Uncle Jakob or to whoever first acquainted Einstein with Euclidean geometry.”

What might be the modern version of a “holy geometry book”?

I suggest the following,
first published in 1940:

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix05B/BasicGeometry.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Click on picture for details.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Monday September 20, 2004

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

Pi continued:

(see 9/15/04)


Renegade mathematician Max Cohen (Sean Gullette, left) and the leader of the Kabbalah sect, Lenny Meyer (Ben Shenkman) have a chance encounter on a Chinatown street corner.

The Magic Schmuck

"Confucius is said to have received only one inappropriate answer, i.e., hexagram 22, GRACE — a thoroughly aesthetic hexagram. This is reminiscent of the advice given to Socrates by his daemon — 'You ought to make more music' — whereupon Socrates took to playing the flute. Confucius and Socrates compete for first place as far as reasonableness and a pedagogic attitude to life are concerned; but it is unlikely that either of them occupied himself with 'lending grace to the beard on his chin,' as the second line of this hexagram advises. Unfortunately, reason and pedagogy often lack charm and grace, and so the oracle may not have been wrong after all."

— Carl Jung, Foreword to the I Ching 

Yesterday, class, in keeping with our morning German lesson, our evening (5:01:22 PM ET) entry was Hexagram 22, Pi (pronounced "bee"). The Chinese term pi may be translated in various ways… As ornament, as adornment, or as in a German web page:

I-Ching 22 Pi Der Schmuck

The Wilhelm translation of pi is "grace."  This suggests we examine yesterday's evening lottery number in the State of Grace, Pennsylvania:


As kabbalists know, there are many ways of interpreting numbers.  In keeping with the viewpoint of Ecclesiastes — "time and chance happeneth" — let us interpret this instance of chance as an instance of time… namely, 4/08.  Striving for consistency in our meditations, let us examine the lessons for…

4/08 2003 — Death's Dream Kingdom

and 4/08 2004 — Triple Crown

From the former:

"When smashing monuments, save the pedestals; they always come in handy."

Stanislaw J. Lec

From the latter: 

"The tug of an art that unapologetically sees itself as on a par with science and religion is not to be underestimated…. Philosophical ambition and formal modesty still constitute Minimalism's bottom line."

Michael Kimmelman

In keeping with the above, from
this year's Log24.net
Rosh Hashanah service

A Minimalist


For a poetic interpretation
of this symbol, see
Hexagram 20,
Contemplation (View).

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