
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Death in Mathmagic Land

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 3:28 pm

"It was our old friend Pythagoras who discovered
that the pentagram was full of mathematics."

— Narrator, "Donald in Mathmagic Land," Disney, 1959

… and it was Peter J. Cameron who discovered that
mathematics was full of pentagrams.

From Log24 on May 3:  Gray Space —

Robert J. Stewart (left) and a pentagram photo posted May 2
by Oslo artist Josefine Lyche. See also Lyche in this journal.

From Log24 on May 13:  An Artist's Memorial —

The death mentioned in the above May 13 post occurred on
May 12, the date of a scheduled Black Mass at Harvard.

Related material:

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pythagorean Selfie

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 5:01 pm

“Rarely is a TV show as brilliant and as terrible as Selfie .”

Kevin Fallon on a new ABC TV show that starts tonight at 8 PM ET

A recent selfie from Josefine Lyche’s Instagram page:

For some remarks related to Lyche’s pentagram, see
Lyche + Mathmagic* and also yesterday’s Michaelmas Mystery.

In today’s previous post, the late Harvey Cohn posed a question that
he said might have been asked by Pythagoras:

“It is an elementary observation that an integral right triangle
has an even area. Suppose the hypotenuse is prime.

Q.  How do we determine from the prime value of the hypotenuse
when the area is divisible by 4, 8, 16, or any higher power of 2?

A.  We use class fields constructed by means of transcendental
functions, of course!”

— From the preface to Introduction to the Construction of Class Fields ,
by Harvey Cohn (Cambridge University Press, 1985)


For a related song, see Prime Suspect (Dec. 13, 2007).

Footnote of 12:14 AM Oct. 1, 2014 —

* That search yields a link to…

This Lyche webpage’s pentagram  indicates an interest in Disney rather than
in SatanismOther Lyche webpages have been less reassuring.

Related material — Posts tagged Elegantly Packaged.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Two -Year College

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:45 am

See last night’s pentagram photo and a post from May 13, 2012.

That post links to a little-known video of a 1972 film.
A speech from the film was used by Oslo artist Josefine Lyche as a
voice-over in her  2011 golden-ratio video (with pentagrams) that she
exhibited along with a large, wall-filling copy of some of my own work.
The speech (see video below) is clearly nonsense.

The patterns* Lyche copied are not.

“Who are you, anyway?” 

— Question at 00:41 of 15:00, Rainbow Bridge (Part 5 of 9)
at YouTube, addressed to Baron Bingen as “Mr. Rabbit”

* Patterns exhibited again later, apparently without the Lyche pentagram video.
It turns out, by the way, that Lyche created that video by superimposing
audio from the above “Rainbow Bridge” film onto a section of Disney’s 1959
Donald in Mathmagic Land” (see 7:17 to 8:57 of the 27:33 Disney video).

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