
Friday, September 18, 2020

Adoration of the Cube

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 3:25 am

“WHEN I IMAGINE THE CUBE, I see a structure in motion.
I see the framework of its edges, its corners, and its flexible joints,
and the continuous transformations in front of me (before you start
to worry, I assure you that I can freeze it anytime I like). I don’t see
a static object but a system of dynamic relations. In fact, this is only
half of that system. The other half is the person who handles it.
Just like everything else in our world, a system is defined by
its place
within a network of relations—to humans, first of all.”

— Rubik, Erno.  Cubed   (p. 165). Flatiron Books. Kindle Ed., 2020.

Compare and contrast — Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

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