
Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Seventh Door Meets the Seventh Function

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:21 am

The Seventh Function
of Language
A novel by Laurent Binet

The New York Times  
online Aug. 16, 2017, 
in a book review —

"What if . . . Barthes was murdered? . . . in order to
procure a document that Barthes possessed . . . .
That document explained that, beyond the six
functions of language proposed by the Russian
linguist Roman Jakobson, there was a seventh
secret one:  an occult kind of language-use
guaranteed to persuade, a 'magic' power of
control over a listener."

Schorske mentioned hopefully "the fresh light of
the present" in 1971.

Some later light from Brian Aldiss in his novel
Frankenstein Unbound , first published in 1973

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