
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Belicic Problem

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:30 pm

IMAGE- NY Times opinion column on intelligence by Andrew Rosenthal

From the comments:

IMAGE- NY Times comment, apparently by mathematician Thomas Zaslavsky, in reply to comment by fictional character Jack Belicic

Click "Zaslavsky" above for some background from Binghamton.

For some background from Santa Mira, see

The Cacophony Cafe:

The story takes place in the fictional Santa Mira, California
where Dr. Miles Bennell (Kevin McCarthy) is soon overrun
by several patients claiming that their loved ones are imposters.
Thus, a panic is set off as the doctor and his friend Jack Belicic
(King Donovan) try to find the answer to the issue at the hand.
What they discover is that somehow people have been replaced
by aliens, who are incubated in pea pods, from space.

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