Mathematics and Narrative, continued…
Out of What Chaos, a novel by Lee Oser—
"This book is more or less what one would expect if Walker Percy wrote about a cynical rock musician who converts to Catholicism, and then Nabokov added some of his verbal pyrotechnics, and then Buster Keaton and the Marquis de Sade and Lionel Trilling inserted a few extra passages. It is a loving and yet appalled description of the underground music scene in the Pacific Northwest. And it is a convincing representation of someone very, very smart."
"If Evelyn Waugh had lived amid the American Northwest rock music scene, he might have written a book like this."
–Anonymous reviewer
A possible source for Oser's title–
"…Lytton Strachey described Pope's theme as 'civilization illumined by animosity; such was the passionate and complicated material from which he wove his patterns of balanced precision and polished clarity.' But out of what chaos did that clarity and precision come!"
—Authors at Work, by Herman W. Liebert and Robert H. Taylor, New York, Grolier Club, 1957, p. 16
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