
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cold Wind

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 2:40 pm

"Lord knows when the cold wind blows
it'll turn your head around."

— James Taylor, "Fire and Rain"

Ricky Jay's head turns around in "The Amazing Maleeni,"
episode 8 of season 7 of "The X-Files."

"It was the middle of summer, but
the cold wind blew in full force."

— David Kushner, Jonny Magic and the Card Shark Kids  

(Quoted here in House of Cards, June 11, 2014,
a post on magic, cards, and Multnomah County.)

Related material:

Recent posts on artist Otto Piene and the Whiskey Bar song,
as well as the following Multnomah County story from yesterday's
online NY Times :

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